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Let It – A Big Step Beyond the Let Them Theory!

The wonderful Mel Robbins introduced us to the “Let Them Theory.”

In short, it posits that when someone wants to do something, you let them! You don’t argue or try to change someone else’s behavior.

Mel Says:

When you “Let Them” do whatever it is that they want to do, it creates more control and emotional peace for you and a better relationship with the people in your life.

How sane! How relaxing! And how simple.

But I’ve got a challenge for you, how about where we were thinking of people, we think of the Universe. For whatever reason things happen, what if we just “let” the universe do what it wants, without arguing or trying to change things in the moment.

We can call this the “Let It Theory.”

It means to just say Let It to anything the universe wants to do. When we say Universe, it’s not necessarily a personal universe or God, it can just be thought of as all the collection of influences that results in something happening. Whatever feels right to you. The key is, not to ARGUE, mentally, emotionally, or even verbally, haha, with the universe once something is happening (e.g. this shouldn’t be happening, I wish it was different, etc.)

So, here are some examples:

  • I’m already running late for work, and now the Universe is blocking the road with a traffic jam. Let it! (But I can also choose to take a different road, if I want. Or phone my boss to let them know I’ll be late.)
  • I’ve only got $500 in the bank, and now the Universe is sending me an unexpected tax bill for $600. Let it! (I can still take actions to scrounge up some money, or phone the IRS and ask for an extension.)
  • I’ve been so excited leading up to this big event I have, and now the Universe is giving me the flu? Let it! (I can still decide to take some extra time for self-care, and/or lovingly communicate with the people involved and have a human moment.)

Just like with your relationship with people, with the Let It Theory, you will actually have more control, emotional peace, and a better “relationship” with the universe.

Because, let’s face it, the universe is going to do what it does.

Our real power lies in not resisting, and getting as quickly as possible to a place of positive response!




How to Get Past Perfectionism – 3 Steps

Despite what you might have convinced yourself, being a perfectionist is a wonderful thing.

You have a ton of potential, and you care deeply about things going well. You want the best for yourself and others.

The challenge comes in dealing with the gap between what currently is, and what you know can be possible.

If you have resistance towards the elements that aren’t perfect yet, you are going to cause yourself one or more of these issues: stress, indecision, procrastination, a decrease in performance, misalignment in priorities, lack of clarity, inability to connect with yourself or others, decreased energy and health challenges.

Decreasing the resistance to “the gap”, allows your natural genius to come forth, and accelerates your natural progress towards the “perfection” you know is possible.

3 Steps to Get Past Perfectionism (and Accelerate your Progress to Perfection)

1) Accept and celebrate that you are playing the “long game” of perfection.
It’s not about what is happening today, it’s about the habits you are building over time that are going to serve you more and more over the course of your lifetime.
2) Enjoy the best from yourself (even in the smallest of degrees towards the best) without “unenjoying” what isn’t the best (even in the smallest of degrees towards not the best.)
Get really good at identifying and celebrating what is going great, without feeling bad about what is not going so great. This is the most crucial aspect of the steps.
3) Relax and ride things out when sh*t happens. As you get better and better at accomplishing things, and life gets more and more perfect, inevitably you are going to be challenged with events that throw a wrench in things. A twisted ankle. A sick family member. A failed business. Be prepared in advance to not let this phase you. YOU are building your ability (see number 1) to get strong in your ability to play the long game, so outside events don’t slow down your long term progress.

Mastering the above three steps will enable your true genius to shine forth and allow you to achieve what you always knew was possible, with balance, flow, presence and personal fulfilment.

If you want a coach to help you with the nuances, get in touch!

Warning: When You Get a New Job, You Take Yourself with You
February 17, 2020
Changing Careers Cycle

It seems like such a perfect solution to your career woes…find a new job.

New boss, new co-workers, new desk, new job description, new salary. Get rid of that one super-annoying person and that one super-annoying project, right?

Well…Maybe not so much. Read more

When Your Bad Habits Quit You!

You can work really hard on dropping your bad habits, those activities and behaviors you engage in that have more negative consequences than positive benefits…

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Job Search In Equals Job Out

I have helped hundreds of individuals move towards more satisfying job positions and careers.

Most individuals want a job that just feels better to them! Less of a chore, should or a have to, and more of fun, adventure, meaning and joy.

I want my clients to have those things too! But there is one trick that not everyone knows. Read more

I’m Not Worthy: The Upgrades

When we aren’t feeling that great, and things aren’t going all that well, or we are wishing for things to go better faster, we sometimes start to think that we aren’t worthy of better. A better life, a better partner, a better experience. This directly interferes in your ability to achieve improvements! This can be easily shifted!

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Free Coaching Tools Download

My friend on the other side of the world, Harley M. Storey, the Life Coach Toolman, is offering my network a set of 20 Life Coaching Tools for free!

These are great if you are a coach, or any person interested in living a great life.

Get your download today!

Free Coaching Tools


I’m Doing the Best That I Can: The Upgrades

Our speech and thoughts are not the be all and end all of intentional living, but for most people’s practical purposes, words are essential to our experience and results.

Most people use the phrase, I’m doing the best that I can as a plaintive expression that is essentially a complaint…A complaint that you are disappointed in your own results, a complaint that that your efforts aren’t yielding enough benefits or results and a doubting that further change is possible.

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The Surprising First Step to Career Change

Know you want to change careers, but having trouble making it happen?

Applying for jobs and never getting any interviews, or getting interviews but nothing comes of them?

Do you think I’m going to tell you to redo your resume, work on your personal brand, or update your LinkedIn? Not to start, these are not the place to start.

The surprising first step to career change is to completely change the way you are thinking about your current position (or, even, lack of position.)

I’ve helped hundreds of individuals shift from a strainful, stressful, struggling career change process to getting quickly and smoothly aligned with opportunities and great results.

Schedule a free coaching session with me and I’ll explain my madness.

When Should You Hire a Life Coach?

Short answer, always…Easy for a coach to say!

But there is more to understand when you are considering hiring a coach…

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