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Sharing Concepts with Life Coaching Clients

In our group coaching class tonight, we started an interesting discussion about sharing concepts with life coaching clients.  If we have an idea about what might be going on, how do we share that without leading or forcing our ideas onto our clients?

The discussion arose out of our topic of Using the Ego to Your Advantage.  We talked about ways we could identify when our egos were feeding us some disempowering thoughts, become conscious of that, and find the empowering approaches, because of this consciousness.  Very useful in discovering and living truth and love, and freeing ourselves from illusion and suffering.

The question came up, how can we avail our clients of this idea?  In real life coaching examples of a client who reacted from ego at a meeting, how might we, as coaches, respond?

Here are some of my thoughts…

  • Of course, we are not coaching when we are leading our clients anywhere…If you find yourself tempted to lead, you are already outside of the coaching groove…
  • Questions that can illuminate the situation will always lead to more understanding…Consciousness automatically leads to learning
  • You’ll be more natural if you are not in the habit of making too many assumptions about what is going on
  • Commenting on things you’ve learned in your experience as a coach (or a human) CAN be appropriate…This might sound something like…I’ve observed many times that people sometimes overreact when they feel threatened…Could that be part of what was happening for you?  Again, you want this to be a real question, not one that you already “know” the answer you “want” to hear.
  • Introducing clients to concepts can be appropriate as well.  This can be stated just as such…You putting forth an idea that you are asking your client to consider if it is true for them or could be helpful for them.

Again, as a coach, if you are making assumptions about what a client “needs” to know, you will be getting in the way.  Let the client’s wisdom emerge via your non-judgmental, open, curious, present, loving approach.

Life Coaching Questions

I’ve made a list of some powerful life coaching questions you might ask yourself or a client.

Here are some examples:

  • What might be less important than you think?
  • If you had to completely rewrite your personality, and you could only keep three things that are really important to you, what qualities would you keep?
  • What do you waste the most time on?
  • If you could change one thing about life on earth, what would it be?
  • What belief would be hardest for you to let go of?

See more life coaching questions here!

Discover, Create and Live Your Path to Success – Free Telesummit: Jan 10-21, 2011

I’ll once again be hosting my Your Path To Success Telesummit!

Are you looking for inspired methods to create your path to success? The Your Path to Success Winter Telesummit: A New Year: A New YOU is the event designed to truly move you forward in your path to creating a successful and joy filled life. This FREE telesummit is Jan 10- Jan 21, 2011. In two weeks and with top experts- we will help you to:

Discover, Create and Live Your OWN Path to Success!

During the telesummit, you will experience the best new success ideas from top experts in their fields (including Coach Michele of MyLifeCoach.com). What would your life be like if you could learn:

*What it Means to Love for No Reason
*Money in 2011: Profits, Peace, and JOY
*The Pain/Pleasure Principle: Are you the Master of Your Emotions?
*4 Keys to Your Soul’s Success
*Grow Your Business Fast: 5 Secrets to Prosper Today
*Create Success in Any Environment
And More….

To learn more about the expert presenters and to sign up for this FREE event
