How much should you charge as a Life Coach?
Coaching is a high-value, very personal service. You need to consider carefully the experience and skills you bring to the table, as well as the value of the incredible benefits you will create with your clients. What you bring to your coaching work is not just the one-on-one time you spend with your client. When you are a coach, it is your FULL TIME job to be developing yourself, learning, and growing, so that you can bring your best self to the coaching experience. Coaching is a high-value service for a reason: You bring a LOT to the table for your clients, and they are receiving INVALUABLE results.
Excited about fully embracing your value as a coach? Setting your coaching rates is an important part of empowering yourself as a coach AND providing great value to your clients. FInding the right rates is truly a win-win!
This page helps you find your hourly rate as a life coach and calculate your coaching package rate!
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