The essence of the E-Motion method of Life Coaching is the pairing of rhythmic movement (walking/running) with talking and/or meditation. Adding the element of movement amplifies the power of the individual to tap into the creative part of their brain, opening the door to new ways of looking at old problems while enhancing the individual’s ability to access emotions. Read more
There are certain careers or endeavors that are best guided by a cohesive philosophy as a foundation from which the individual operates, such as teaching, counseling, coaching, and even parenting. I recently had reason to “revisit” and articulate in written form my personal philosophy on how I work with individuals in three of the four before mentioned arenas. I was pleasantly surprised that this was easier than I had anticipated as the underlying principles for each endeavor, including parenting, are the same for me.
It’s funny, a lot of people may have heard of hiring a life coach, and been intrigued…But perhaps didn’t take action because the idea was so new, or not well understood.
It took me halfway through our first session to realize that a life coach was exactly what I had been looking for.
We are all familiar with the difficulties involved in getting a coaching web site up and going. And, one that you can actually edit, blog with, etc.
Finally an amazing solution that works. I have to admit. I’m very proud. 😉
The Guardian recently published a great article about a nurse’s discussions with people at the end of their lives. What did they look back on and regret?
There were some common themes!
I wish I’d had the courage to live a life true to myself, not the life others expected of me.
I wish I hadn’t worked so hard.
I wish I’d had the courage to express my feelings.
I wish I had stayed in touch with my friends.
I wish that I had let myself be happier.
Perhaps not surprisingly, this is a list very consistent with the major themes of coaching.
Happiness matters, and is largely under your control.
Most people I speak with are giving more to their job than their job gives to them.
Most people I speak with have dreams, values, and personal characteristics they aren’t living.
Most people get true fulfillment in life from their personal relationships.
Most people can gain immeasurably by expressing their feelings. It is a key to not only deepening relationships, but also understanding yourself, who you want to be, and accessing the wisdom and energy required to create a truly great life.
Read the full article here…Top Five Regrets of the Dying.