5 Tips for Creative Job Searching
It used to be that finding the right new job was just a matter of reviewing newspaper ads, networking, and contacting a few recruiters. In today's economy, much more is required to stand out from the crowd of applicants. Here's five creative tips for your job search.
1. Good uses for the internet
Check out online communities, newsgroups, specifically Yahoo! Groups. There are literally thousands of groups with millions of members in almost every industry, topic or theme you can think imagine. If you can't find the group you seek, start your own. Suggestion: misc.jobs.offered
2. Make email work for you
Make sure all your emails contain a signature line advertising the fact that you are looking for work and your specialty. I call this your "personal commercial".
3. Hang Out
Frequent popular locations (bars, lounges, restaurants) of the heavy hitters in your desired industry, and make yourself a fixture. Be outgoing and over time you'll meet someone who can give you a lead or might actually be hiring. Save your receipts...this is a tax- deductible bar tab! Even further, you may consider taking a job bartending or waiting tables at these popular establishments. There's no better way then to get yourself up close and personal with influential folks than on their own turf.
4. Read and write
Read for your leads - Fast Company, Wired and Business 2.0 are all full of information and job leads. Get into the habit or reading relevant publications, both trade and consumer, national and local, to stay on top of events, trends and other vital news in your industry.
In these periodicals or web articles, respond to the editorials or post a review to the article. Again, your response should include your "personal commercial" at the end.
5. Creative introductions
If you see an interesting article that you think an employer might find useful, send it along with a little note about who you are and why you think he or she might like it. This makes a great door-opener for your cover letter. If that article is about your target employer, even better...your mention of the article shows that you have an interest in and knowledge about their business.
Remember, simply posting your resume and waiting for the phone to ring is not going to land you a job. Get out, network, treat your job search like its own job where you will dedicate time every day to its success!
Terrie OConnell may be contacted at http://www.fenixcareercoach.com terrie@fenixcareercoach.com. Terrie O'Connell is a renowned career consultant with her own successful entrepreneurial career spanning over 16 years. Terrie's passion is to help others realize their dreams - through strategically co-creating one's career, business and personal goals. Her comprehensive Career Center (www.fenixcareercoach.com) offers outstanding resources for those looking for career growth or job search strategy. For answers to your career questions, contact Terrie toll-free at 1-866-4LIVEADVICE and enter #16219.
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