With Coaching you will be transforming your life from the inside out. Do you know what you want? Is it easy for you to make decisions? Do you know how to sustain peace, happiness and fulfillment, while at the same time reaching top performance? Coaching gets you there. Fast.
No matter what your goals are in life, there are going to be other people involved. Coaching helps you become confident, non-reactive, compassionate and a brilliant communicator. Your relationships will improve and you will step into natural leadership.
Your personal, career and business success are important to you, and they should be. In coaching we design a vision for your life that is orienting, inspirational and motivating. You will start reaching goals faster than you dreamed possible.
Hi! Welcome to My Life Coach, and welcome to a stage in your life where you are ready and willing to achieve true success and fulfillment.
Do you...
Want a more fulfilling life, but don't know how?
Know what you want to do, but are having trouble making it happen?
Want to be more effective at work and fulfilled in your career?
Want work and family life to feel in harmony instead of conflict?
Want more flow and success in your business?
Feel confused or stuck?
Know you aren't living and performing at your full potential?
Want clarity?
Want to start living life as it is meant to be lived?
Want to feel inspired, happy, confident...Like yourself?
If so, life coaching could be perfect for you, to help you transform your life into one of deep fulfillment and outward success.
Book a Free Session with Coach Michele
Coach Michele is the founder of My Life Coach, and has been a full-time Executive Life Coach for over 20 years. She has coached hundreds of individuals towards successful, fulfilling lives, exciting careers and profitable businesses.
Most of Michele's clients are CEO's or Founders of mide-sized businesses. However, because she is so effective and trusted, most of those clients have her working with employees or family members as well. So, Coach Michele is experienced in working with all types of people with different challenges and coaching goals.
One thing all of her clients have in common is that they *know* they want to be their best selves and living life to the fullest.
Michele has also helped over 25,000 coaches get started in this business, and specializes in working with talented coaches that want to make a difference.
If you want fast, yet sustained results in your life, Coach Michele may be the perfect coach for you. Sign-up for a free session to find out!
Imagine an end to the struggle. Instead of an unending and seemingly futile effort to reach your dreams, the perfect people and opportunities come to you. Life starts to flow, and you are happy, inspired, and reaching more of your true potential each and every day. You are becoming the person you were always meant to be, and living the life you were always meant to live. You are your authentic self, and you experience the incredible fulfillment that comes from experiencing your potential. Coaching can help you reach this place, and faster than you ever dreamed possible.
Schedule a free executive life coaching session with Michele
I also run this website, which is designed to serve a variety of people with different coaching needs. (Click here to learn more about my Featured Coaches.)
My ideal client has specific qualities. My ideal client is willing to think and do things differently to get different results. I often work with executives and managers, consultants, physicians, professionals, entrepreneurs (including performers), and business owners. My clients are already quite successful in many ways. Often there are areas in their lives, however, that clearly are not working well. Very often, my ideal client is a person of personal integrity that has lost touch with their own sense of confidence and security in themselves and the "right" actions to take.
Reality Check - My ideal clients know they have a ton of potential, but recognize that everything hasn't quite come into alignment yet.
Here are some of the issues you may have that would be perfect for coaching:
- You are successful, but not fulfilled, and you want to find out why
- You are successful, but way too stressed out
- You are successful, but struggling to balance work, family and parenting respsonsiblilites
- You are successful, but feel empty inside
- This corporate culture is not giving you the opportunity to be your best self
- You have personal problems
- You want your business to be more successful
- You are wondering what other careers you might enjoy
- You are "stuck" creatively or professionally
- You feel like you are not making the most of your life
- You've lost your confidence
- You are struggling to live a balanced, healthy life
- You want to move your professional and/or personal life to the next level
- You can tell you are starting to transform, and are brave enough to want to maximize your growth (or have had enough of suffering through the old ways of doing things!)
Reality Check - As a top performer (or if you want to be a top performer) you should be dedicating time each week to higher level functions, visioning, and development. Is that happening now? Let me partner with you in changing things today.
* Career/Business success
* Radically transforming interpersonal issues, at home or at work
* Building unshakable confidence in yourself and your decisions
* Fulfillment
* Relationships, personal and professional
My ideal clients have the following in common:
* In many ways, they are quite successful
* They are open to new ways of thinking and doing things
* They want to be happier and more fulfilled
* They strive for truth and intellectual honesty
* They have powerful minds
* They have powerful hearts, but may have trouble accessing and using this part of their intelligence to full effect
* They are currently, or have the potential to be, business, societal and/or cultural leaders...A person of integrity that lives life in congruence with their values.
What can you expect?
I would describe my life coaching as logical, supportive, practical, intuitive and insightful. You should be ready to learn a lot about yourself in addition to getting results in your life.
Reality Check - I am not the life coach to get OK results with, I am the coach to expect and achieve radical transformation with. Do you feel the potential for greatness inside of you? Coaching can help you release it.
What qualifies me to coach you?
* A coach needs to be present and conscious to stimulate radical growth. My life is centered around being present...Not just in my coaching, but in all moments.
* I am successfully living my dreams, running my own business, with plenty of free time for family and creative pursuits
* I have been a student of human development since a young age and have been involved in the coaching profession for years, even as I pursued my traditional careers
* I have a had a very busy, highly-ranked coaching business for over twenty years
* I have a knack for recognizing the underlying principles behind human behavior, creation, and performance
* I will tell it exactly as I see it
* I will encourage and/or challenge you to determine your own most important goals and values and live up to them
* I will help you discover, for yourself, the intrinsic and extrinsic value of happiness
* I will help you develop your own sources of motivation
* I will ask the questions you never thought to ask, in your life and in your business
* I truly care about your success
* You will get results
What makes you a great client, likely to achieve extraordinary results?
* You are intelligent
* You are, or wish to be, a person of high integrity and authenticity
* You are open to new ideas
* You are done blaming other people and outside conditions (a.k.a. ready to claim your true power)
* You are truly ready for change
* You are happy to invest in yourself
* You want a successful career/business, great relationships and true fulfillment
Reality Check - What is very best and most important for you is known only by you (or through you). As your coach, I am skilled in bringing that powerful information forth.
Schedule a free executive life or business coaching session with Michele
Why choose me as your coach?
→ You want insight into the patterns you are experiencing
→ You are lacking motivation in your business or career
→ You don't want to experience pain and frustration any more
→ You are ready to start living as the person you are meant to be
→ You want to enjoy your career
→ You want to enjoy your personal life
→ You want to reach your potential
→ You want holistic mind/body/spirit health
→ You would relish the opportunity to have high-level, transformative conversations that allow you to get in touch with the best of yourself
→ You want to be more prosperous in all ways
→ You don't want to settle anymore
→ You are ready to step into your own greatness (or at least open to it!)
→ You know you are a person of integrity and are ready for your life to reflect that
→ You want a talented, experienced, successful coach
→ You want results
I encourage you to proceed with a free session with me (schedule a free executive life or business coaching session with Michele) to discover for yourself what coaching can offer you.
Need a better understanding of what coaching is? Read this: What is Coaching? (opens in new window).
What types of specific results have my clients had?
A medium size business owner has expanded his business by 30% in one year, while reducing his stress level and drastically reducing his time spent at work. Update: He has now completely turned over the operations of the business to a general manager, and is pursuing more fulfilling activities, while still making more money than ever.
An executive has greater personal fulfillment, and changed positions to one that allows for more learning and work-life balance. Update: He is now writing a book!
A professional is discovering that worry and anxiety about the future can be replaced with optimism and joy, and he gets better results in his life that way.
A small business owner, that was ready to give up before he started coaching, has doubled his revenue for three years in a row, while enjoying his work more and more
A brilliant consultant has learned to focus on what can be controlled - His own thoughts, emotional focus and actions, and let go of everything else. He is on a radical growth path, and the work environments he finds himself in have also transformed in the most amazing and positive ways. He is doing the greatest work of his life, compensated abundantly, and his work makes a significant contribution to society.
An executive has gone from being bullied and double-crossed at work to a life of fulfillment and joy
A bored office worker has changed careers to become a successful nutritionist...She even got her training for free!
A physician has finally found the secret to true success and fulfillment in life...And it is not in the relentless pursuit of "achievement" and money! Strangely, he is making more money than ever before, even though he is saying "no" to work he doesn't want to do...
Reality Check - Is your life moving forward? How long can you afford to be stuck? Get coaching today and invest in yourself. You deserve to be reaching your full potential.
What kind of results can you expect from life coaching with Coach Michele?
Please take a moment to read what one of my clients has to say:
"Working with Michele has been a life changing experience for me. Her coaching sessions consistently provide fresh opportunities to discern the true nature of my life situation, to become clearly aware of where I am, where I really want to go and most importantly, what I need to do to get there. Once the way is clear, Michele's coaching provides a gentle but effective accountability mechanism to keep me on the path that I have chosen. In just a few months, I've seen my stress level drop and my overall personal and professional life satisfaction grow by leaps and bounds." D.S., USA
Read more testimonials here...
If you have the sense that this might be something powerful for you, I urge you to follow that hunch and explore this opportunity. You have nothing to lose, and more than you currently can comprehend to gain.
"When individuals join in a cooperative venture, the power generated far exceeds what they could have accomplished acting individually." ~R. Buckminster Fuller
See more of my favorite coaching inspirational quotes...
How Executive Life Coaching with Michele works:
I specialize in high-end service for professionals that are serious about investing in their own positive change.
I'll work one-on-one with you as your life is rapidly transformed towards fulfillment and success. Our main method of working will be via powerful scheduled telephone or Zoom coaching calls, at a frequency that suits you best. At the start of our coaching relationship, we will set objectives that are going to guide fundamental change in your life. In our calls, we'll brainstorm, I'll keep you accountable, and I'll help you discover what is most important for you and create it in your life. If desired, you'll receive an email summary and list of focus (homework) items after each scheduled call. Executive coaching is for those that are done living in the old ways and are ready for transformative positive change.
Depending on your needs, you'll find that at various times I may serve as your support, oracle, second brain, guide, mirror, vehicle for accessing your highest wisdom/intelligence, motivator, accountability agent, truth agent, clarifier, illusion dissolver...Coaching brings everything that we associate with wisdom, truth, positive energy, creativity, growth and transformation.
You are welcome to be in touch any time you want to brainstorm, troubleshoot, rebalance, celebrate, plan, get some support and/or make a decision. I am your partner in your success, high performance and fulfillment.
Coaching with Michele Includes:
✔ Scheduled coaching calls at a frequency/duration that works for you
✔ Summaries of our scheduled calls sent to you via email
✔ Unlimited interim calls when things come up
✔ Unlimited email coaching
✔ Unlimited texting anytime you wish to check in
✔ Coaching via phone or Zoom, your choice
✔ In person coaching at your location if desired (you pay my travel)
✔ Life Coaching available for professionals with primarily personal concerns
✔ Executive Life Coaching/Business Coaching available for professionals with primarily career/business concerns
✔ Rates ranging from $495 to $795/month depending on desired service level/coaching needs
Email me at michele@mylifecoach.com and let me know about the changes you'd love to see in your life, your time zone, and your scheduling preferences (or schedule yourself directly here: Schedule executive life/business coaching session with Michele), and we'll start with a free session for you to learn more.
Reality Check - A few months of life coaching can transform your whole life, for the rest of your life. However, many of my ideal clients get such powerful and continued results, they keep me on board for years.
For New Coaches! Interested working with me as your mentor? You are welcome to schedule a free session with me as well!
Learning more about me and if I might be a great coach for you:
Before becoming a coach, I had wide ranging career experience in science, health care and software engineering. I also have been a student of personal development and the Life Coaching process for years. I left my successful corporate career to live in harmony with my own inner values, and to help others achieve the success and happiness that we all deserve. I believe that we can all contribute the most to our family, our community and our planet when we are doing work that we love and living a happy and personally fulfilling life. Despite what society, or even experience, might tell you...this is not hard! It is easy when you remove obstacles, release worry and fear, change limiting beliefs, discover your deepest values and develop an inspiring vision for your life.
I live near Toronto, Ontario, Canada. I work with clients from all over the world, including the United States, Canada, Europe, Africa and China.
Learn more about me at CoachMichele.com.
Or, take bold action, and meet me in your Free Session!