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Are Work and Happy Mutually Exclusive?
by Mary Jo Marchionni, CCCC

I bet many people reading this article would shout a resounding “YES!” After all, we’re taught, “Work is work – not fun.” That is why it is called work.” The truth this, these two words can co-exist in your life, if you are willing to do the work to make it a reality. Is it easy? Sometimes. More often than not, though, it is a process of self-discovery that takes months, but is well worth the investment. I am speaking from experience here. I have been enrolled in a career coach certification program based on concepts from the international best-seller, "Work Yourself Happy" by Terri Levine. I signed up for this training so that I’d have a proven process in my coaching toolbox to better serve clients in this important area of life.

People come to career coaching for a variety of reasons – they were downsized, they enjoy their job but want to be happier and more balanced there, they want to do something different but are not sure what that is, they want to find a way to turn their passion into a full- or part-time career. Utilizing the concepts in "Work Yourself Happy" can help all of these people and more.

This process is not at all what I originally thought career coaching would entail. As a matter of fact, much of the early work is based on finding out more about the client and their natural skills, talents, preferred work environment and interests, rather than why they hate their job, how they are underpaid, or why they need to move on (which is what I always thought career coaching was about). This is what is so great about this process; it is a comprehensive, holistic look at your life. Warning: this is a thorough process of self-discovery that can often yield very surprising results. It takes courage and honesty to go through this process. If you can’t come to table with these two items, perhaps it’s best to wait until you are really ready so that you can get the maximum benefit.

As I have been going through this certification process, a very interesting conclusion has emerged. I love my job! I love my boss! I am very valued and very well compensated! I do not want to be a full-time coach! I want to pursue coaching as a part-time career and avenue for personal growth! Once the shock of this revelation wore off, I felt 50 pounds lighter. I consider myself a true "Work Yourself Happy" success story. Psychoanalyst Erich Fromm stated, “Man’s main task is to give birth to himself.” Isn’t it time for you to Work Yourself Happy also?

Mary Jo Marchionni, CCCC may be contacted at
Mary Jo is a spiritually-based career and personal coach whose specialties include career redesign, creativity, practical spirituality and life balance. She received certification as a Comprehensive Career Coach from Comprehensive Coaching U. She is passionate about assisting people in uncovering their true passion and helping them to achieve their dreams! Contact her for a 30-minute complimentary coaching session at 610.446.3704 or to see if the coaching relationship is a fit for you. Visit her website at and subscribe to her FREE monthly ezine, Extraordinary Living. Get on the path to true joy today!



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