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Creating Your Ideal Life
Welcome to the July/06 issue of Creating
Your Ideal Life from Coach Michele of!
Inspiring Quote
"As human beings, our greatness lies not so much in being able to remake
the in being able to remake ourselves."
Mahatma Gandhi
There is a lot going on in the world right now (I guess that isn't
really *news* is it?). In my opinion, it is more important than ever to
make sure you are creating peace in your own heart and in your own life,
if you wish to see
peace in the world.
If you are not sure how to create that peace but you do desire it,
consider getting a coach!
Today's article has to do with energy mining. No, I am not kidding, it
really does! :)
Creating Your Ideal Life
Top Ten Energy Wasters
by Michele Caron
Most of us spend large portions of our most precious personal resource,
*energy*, on things that provide us no benefit, or may even harm us.
But, there is good news! Identifying these energy drains and reclaiming
that energy can bring whole new levels of creativity, happiness,
fulfillment and ability to take effective action into our lives.
If you are feeling confused, blah, ho-hum, unmotivated or bored, you
should really take a close look at this list. Even if your life is
pretty successful and satisfying, most of us can still identify places
to mine for more energy! (By the way, thankfully, our personal
energy is an environmentally friendly, naturally replenishing resource!)
Top Ten Energy Wasters:
1. Worry
Boy, a lot of people seem to put a great deal of energy towards this.
What does it *ever* achieve? I suggest doing an analysis of the worrying
situation on paper. If there are actions to take, take them. But
you will usually find that the things worrying you are outside of your
control. You can let go of the worrying, and use that energy to have
maximum energy and health, to respond positively, creatively and
effectively to the things that do happen in your life!
2. Procrastination
The whole time you are procrastinating about something, energy is going
into maintaining a little wall in your mind, that "protects" you from
the discomfort of not taking the action your whole self knows is right.
And still, that little wall usually doesn't always block out all the
discomfort, now, does it! Why not just do yourself a favor and
either take the action now, or cross it off your list for good.
Living in limbo is an energy waster.
3. Poor Eating Habits
I know, I know...No-one wants to hear about this, or admit it
(sometimes, including me!) But, it seems pretty sensible that some
foods have certain *costs* when we eat them, rather than nourishing
benefits like food is supposed to give! You know what these foods are
for you. Keep in mind, when you partake in these types of foods,
there are energy *costs*. Where could that energy be better spent
in your life?
4. Fear/Anxiety
Wow! Can this one cause you a lot of pain, and waste a lot of energy.
This is related to worry, where you are projecting bad things into the
future and then feeling pain from them. Fear also prevents you from
taking creative, effective action. This is a big topic that I
won't be able to address in a few lines. However, a recognition
that this is an energy waster for you (if it is for you) and an
intention to feel more peace, comfort, safety, etc., will automatically
help you come to some of your own best solutions.
5. Disorganization
Again, wow, can this be an energy hole. How much time have you
spent looking for things of late, or worrying that if you did have to
find something, you wouldn't be able to? Would you feel
comfortable with someone you respect coming to your home right at this
moment? If not, it *is* an energy drain for you on some level.
"Things out of place", whether it be car keys in an unknown location,
bills not paid, or piles of laundry, do stress most of us in subtle to
powerful ways, and drain energy.
6. "Negative" People
Now, *people* aren't really negative, they just may be in the habit of
behaving that way, and I don't really even love the word negative, but I
hope you know what I mean. People that are always complaining,
nothing is good, everything is bad, so and so is bad, your idea is bad,
etc., etc., etc. Those people don't feel good or energetic, do
they? And if you spend enough time around them you could start to
be drained too! Why not surround yourself with people that ignite
the energy within you!
7. "Not Enough" Thinking
Many of us spend so much of our time sure that our job isn't good
enough, we don't have enough money, we aren't attractive enough, our
mate's manners aren't good enough, etc., etc., etc. Enough with the
enough! ;) Seriously though, everything in your life is "enough", yet
you can still work towards more! Sound impossible to accept?
It may be challenging to come to this, but accepting that things are
great, right as they are, can free up so much energy, and allow you to
connect with a feeling of gratitude, which is an excellent energy
source. You are then in a super position to achieve even more (if
you want) and really just enjoy what you have! No matter where you
are in life, you will always be on a journey towards somewhere else.
If it is never enough right where you are, then you are fooling yourself
if you think it *will* ever be "enough" one day.
8. "Helping" Too Much
Humans are naturally "good" and we like to help each other. Super!
The problem comes when we start giving more than we have to give.
Some people can really wear themselves out this way, or end up getting
too involved in the emotional welfare of others, when they aren't taking
care of their own emotional welfare! When you are helping in the
right way, it feels great and leaves you energized. If your
"helping" activities seem like a chore, or just too draining, you may
want to assess if you are trying to give more than you have to give.
9. Not Saying "No"
This is somewhat related to above, but often there are *many* places in
our lives where we could be saying "no" or making some sort of boundary.
This could be going to family social events you really don't have the
time for, working extra hours at work for no extra pay, allowing someone
to use foul or racist language around you, or even watching a repeat on
TV that you really aren't enjoying! Not only do these types of
things take energy to participate in, but there is the added drain of
doing something that in your heart you know is not right for you.
10. Lack of Physical Exercise
We've all experienced it. With a little bit of exercise, you are
recharged, full of energy, and ready to take on all the little ups and
downs of life. Not exercising will make you just that much more
slow and tired, everything you do will take just that much longer,
you'll be a little less creative, and everything you do will use up more
energy than it needs to. Put exercise back as a regular part of
your life to get that energy flowing!
If you would like some more energy,
happiness or results in your life, I hope you will trying doing some
energy mining!
Copyright © Michele Caron, 2006
Creating Your Ideal Life
My Life Coach
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© Michele Caron, 2006. Michele is a consultant,
entrepreneur, and Life/Career Coach. She can help you create your
ideal life! Simply contact her at for a
free initial coaching session by phone. There are also many career
and life resources at her web site, You may redistribute or post this article
on the web, as long as this copyright notice and link remain intact.
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