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Round Tuit
(one entry from the Forty Reasons for Change Blog)
Angie Ziegler
Thursday, February 03, 2005
Round Tuit? No, Thank You.
As expected, I got the job! As I sat and thought about the day once
I got the call, I kept asking myself, "What made the difference this
time?" After much reflection, I came up with these answers:
I felt great about myself going into the interview
I went mentally prepared, after listening to self-image and
sales tapes
I had visualized the interview prior to going
I REALLY wanted this job, as opposed to a few interviews I had
for jobs I would have taken just for the money
It's truly amazing how I had taken the advice I had heard so
many times from various authors and speakers and put it to use
and magically got the desired results... For so many years, I
read and read, listened and listened some more and never did
anything about it.
My friend, David, and I were just discussing this very topic
recently and it got me to thinking about how easy it is to become a
lifetime learner and never quite do anything. You can join the
"wanna be" club or the "gonna do it when" club, and never get around
to it... My dad had this little round wood chip that had "Round
Tuit" printed on it. He always laughed about it, but how many people
live their lives with their very own "Round Tuit?"
Why is it that although we know what will make us successful in our
lives, we sometimes not only refuse to take the steps, but also do
just the opposite? What drives us to learn to tune out our inner
voice? I suppose it all boils down to our self-image and how we feel
about ourselves.
Sometimes all it takes is a decision to make changes in our lives to
switch our attitude from one of self-doubt to self-worth. It will
start to change, once that decision is made. The climb back uphill
from totally doubting yourself to believing in yourself can be
achieved, one step at a time. Of course, not everyone responds in
the same way. As with any subject, it could be dramatically
different from person to person. The one thing that’s consistent is
that if you feel good about yourself, every aspect of your life
seems to fall into place by some magical force that just “watches
over” you. Amazingly enough, that magical force lies in those two
little words...self-worth.
Want living proof that it works? Just try it and look in the mirror.
Read more
inspiring writing at the Forty Reasons for Change weblog at Angie Ziegler is
an aspiring writer and Life Coach. Her recent entry into her
40's has inspired her to create change in her life. Read
Angie's blog not only for enjoyment, but also to get excited about
creating change for yourself!
Michele Caron, 2002-2005