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Can Life Coaching Help You? 15 Questions to Ask Yourself.
by Michele Caron

Ask yourself the following:


Am I truly happy most of the time?   YES/NO

Do I live and work in a supportive, affirming environment?   YES/NO

Do I have a clear idea of my most fundamental interests, talents and values?   YES/NO

When I think about my future, do I have a feeling of calm and peace?   YES/NO

Do people treat me the way I deserve to be treated?   YES/NO

Do I have everything I need?   YES/NO

Do I feel a connection to something larger than myself?   YES/NO

Do I love waking up in the morning?   YES/NO

Am I sure that the “success” I am striving for will lead to happiness?   YES/NO

Am I excited about my career direction?   YES/NO

Am I grateful for everything that I have right now?   YES/NO

Is my mind free of worries, anxiety, regrets and guilt?   YES/NO

Do great things happen to me in the most unexpected ways?   YES/NO

If my life were to end tomorrow, would I be satisfied with who I was, how I spent my time, the relationships in my life and what I accomplished?   YES/NO


If you answered NO to one or more of the above questions, you have room for improvement in your life, and you should consider coaching.

Now, read the questions one more time, this time, imagining what your life would be like if you could answer YES to all of them.  If that sounds great to you...Get a coach!

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© Michele Caron, 2005.  Michele is a consultant, entrepreneur, and Life/Career Coach.  She can help you create your ideal life!  Simply contact her at for a free initial coaching session by phone.  There are also many career and life resources at her web site,  You may redistribute or post this article on the web, as long as this copyright notice and link remain intact.







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