David Archuleta:
My Idol! Sometimes teachers appear in the most unexpected places. I love David Archuleta. He is a leading contestant on the American Idol TV Show on Fox. The other night (2-27-2008) he sang John Lennon's Imagine. It was a moving performance of one of the world's most beautiful songs.
Here is why I am writing about him here: I believe that anyone can learn more about having a great life from watching/experiencing this person and his gifts. Here are some of the qualities that he displays that are great for anyone that wants to live life to the fullest: Happiness Joyfulness Grateful/Appreciative Eyes and heart wide open to experience In the moment Wisdom Expects good, yet non-attached to specific outcomes Emotional connection and expression "Soul" connection and expression When you watch David Archuleta perform, you are watching someone in the moment, in the flow, in peak experience, using his gifts. Watching him, you can learn more about *your* gifts and how to express them. Do you want to be living life to the fullest, expressing your gifts? Open your eyes and your heart to David Archuleta and starting learning how.
© Michele Caron, 2008. Michele is a consultant, entrepreneur, and Life/Career Coach. She can help you create your ideal life! Learn more about life coaching with Michele, or email her for a free initial session at michele@mylifecoach.com. There are also many career and life resources at her web site, www.MyLifeCoach.com. You may redistribute or post this article on the web, as long as this copyright notice and links remain intact.
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