Part of what coaches do is ask questions
that expand, deepen, reveal and shift. Here are some examples,
with some "basic" coaching questions (but not all the basic ones) and
some not so basic ones!
You might want to keep this page open while you are coaching...
What was great this week?
What was not so great this week?
What does it seem like you are being prompted to learn?
What has been easy to process?
What has been hard to process?
Tell me something fun about this week...
How do you know that?
What else is important?
What haven't you considered?
What might be less important than you
What might be more important than you
What if that was not true?
When was the one moment in your life when
you felt most alive? Most like the real you?
If you had to completely rewrite your
personality, and you could only keep three things that are really
important to you, what qualities would you keep?
What would surprise people to know about
What do your friends say about you?
Who is really inspirational for you to
hang around?
What has always come really easily to you?
What is starting to come easier now?
When you were 25 years old, what person living or dead, would you have invited to dinner?
Who would you invite now?
In any given moment, what do you tend to
focus on?
How do you want to feel?
When are you most productive? (or
happy, peaceful, successful, etc.)
What do you waste the most time on?
What do you waste the most energy on?
What gives you energy?
What can you perceive at this very moment?
Is your body trying to tell you anything right now?
Is your intuition trying to tell you anything right now?
Is your gut trying to tell you anything right now?
Is your heart trying to tell you anything right now?
Vision/Goals/Aligned Action
If you found out you were dying today,
what would you be really disappointed you never did?
If anything was possible, what would you
love your life to look like in 2 years?
What goal would be so inspiring to you,
you would have unlimited energy to reach it?
If you could change one thing about life
on earth, what would it be?
If an alien could observe you and your life
from space, what would they think you really care about, based on your
actions and activities? What would they be surprised to know you
care about?
What if we forgot about the how's for the next ten minutes, and only talked about what would be great about this...
Remind me again...WHY do you want this?
And how is the having of that thing going to make you feel?
What action step feels like you want to take it, whether it "works out" or not?
What action step feels like you can't NOT take it, and you don't care a whit whether it "works out" or not?!!!
What has your intuition been saying to
you? (or heart, gut)
What have you been resisting?
What belief would be hardest for you to
let go of?
What benefits does holding that belief give you?
What would happen if you did a 180˚ on
What "shoulds" are you ready to drop?
What image are you ready to drop?
What would happen if you stopped caring what people thought of you?
What would happen if you stopped caring what people thought of what you did?
Towards Non-Duality Coaching
How does that thought help you?
What separates you from others?
What separates you from love?
If you and (person x) are actually part of
the same being, what would that mean?
If you and (situation x) are actually all
part of one imagined occurrence, what would that mean?
What about that person presses a button in
you? What is that button?
If you truly knew that you were 100% safe
at all times, how would that change things for you?
When is the last time you felt
unconditional love for someone? For yourself?
Have you ever experienced unconditional
Physical Energy
Do you get enough sleep?
Is the way you eat a net energy positive or net energy negative?
When you decide what to eat, what do you
Have you ever wondered if you are breathing deeply on a regular basis?
When in your life did you have the best
physical fitness? Why do you think things worked well for you
Do you have the energy you need to reach
that goal?
Emotional Energy
Who drains you?
What drains you?
What do you spend most of your emotional
energy on?
Do you spend a lot of time on your phone?
Where do you lose a lot of emotional
How do you build your emotional energy
back up? What fills you up?
If you made your emotional energy a top
priority, how would you live differently?
Mental Energy
Are you able to focus as you'd like?
What do you think about a lot?
How long does it take you to make decisions?
Does the way you are thinking about that
make things more stressful, or less stressful?
Do you have any breaks during your day?
What refreshes you, mentally?
Spiritual Energy
Do you have enough inspiration to reach
that goal?
What inspires you?
How often do you feel grateful?
How do you reconnect?
What is your most important value?
Do you participate in things you know you
don't feel right about?
Do you have dedicated date times?
How well do your honor your special times?
When something goes wrong, are you more likely to look for blame in yourself, in your partner, or neither?
How easy are you to please?
How easy is it for you to receive love?
How easy is it for you to receive pleasure?
How easy is it for you to give love?
How easy is it for you to give pleasure?
How comfortable are you with uncomfortable feelings?
How comfortable are you when your partner is having uncomfortable feelings?
Career Change
What parts of your current job do you like
the most? The least?
Are you having regular one-on-ones with your supervisor?
If you knew you were going to be in this
position for the rest of your life, what would you do to make the most
of it?
What would your supervisor be surprised to
know about you?
What would your coworkers be surprised to
know about you?
On a scale of 1 to 10, how much of the
"real you" are you being at work?